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Due to the Covid Virus, the Commemoration has been rescheduled.

It is going to be presented LIVE on Zoom

Join us on Thursday, September 17th at 12:00 pm

Please Pre-Register at the Link below:

De Anza / San Francisco 244th Anniversary Commemoration of the dedication of El Presidio de San Francisco
September 17, 2020 – 12:00 to 1:00 PM

Virtual Commemoration Event
Register in advance on the Webinar Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_t31KoNirTPmp6aWlWui0FQ

“Honoring Our Ancestors”
Virtual Commemoration of the Anza Expedition

Join descendants of the founding families of San Francisco from the Second Juan Bautista de Anza Expedition (1775-1776) to virtually commemorate the 244th anniversary of the dedication of El Presidio de San Francisco by the soldiers and colonists of the second Anza expedition. Presenters and participants from across California will be joining the virtual program which includes formal remarks, the participation of the Amigos de Anza Equestrian Drill Team, and a roll call naming the people who made the original 1,200-mile trek from Sonora, Mexico in 1776. Our keynote speaker will be The Honorable Judge Carlos Bea, the Anza Trail Color Guard, Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail Superintendent, Naomi Torres, Los Soldados del Real Presidio de Santa Bárbara, and others will be presented. Musical segments will include Clare Barrios-Knox and Luis Moreno singing the Alabado, John Ernest on trumpet performing the Spanish National Anthem, La Marcha Real and military calls; Luis Moreno on guitar; Laurie Woods on viola; and Lance Beeson and Marilyn Merlino with early Californio music. This program is produced by Martha Ann Francisca Vallejo McGettigan, Alan J. Parkin SR., Glenda Eve Parkin, and Damian Bacich, Ph.D.

Download File:
Anza Commemoration SF Founding Day Webinar 2020 Program

Anza Celebration
San Francisco Presidio
​June 2016
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